9 Feb 2013


Wooowww!!! Bukan main lagi bila dengar OMEGA GUARD dapat BAKAR segala LEMAK DEGIL dalam badan kita....huh....memang sah2 kena rembat time promo nie!! Apa bukti yang Omega nie boleh berbuat sedemikian?? ce baca fakta kat bawah....=)

Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats help you burn fat by helping your body respond better to a hormone called Leptin (Leptin is the Greek word for thin)
Leptin tells your body (your brain) to suppress your appetite making you eat less so you can maintain or lose weight
Leptin increases your metabolism by increasing your thyroid output (your thyroid regulates your metabolism)
Leptin also causes your body to burn fat for energy so
If your body isn't responding well to Leptin then the reverse happens - You'll be hungrier, and you'll store more fat so… You can take Omega-3 fats to help your body respond much better to Leptin so you can increase your fat-burning metabolism and
Omega-3 fats are found in salmon, flaxseeds, nuts, Omega-3 supplements and these other 79 foods sources of Omega-3 fats and…

3 more ways Omega-3 fats help you lose weight is…
  • Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels 
  • An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat and…
  • Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning.
Buat ibu-ibu yang rajin mengambil Omega dalam memastikan DHA susu ibu dapat dibekalkan dengan baik ia juga membantu menigkatkan kolestrol baik HDL dalam badan. Maka secara tidak langsung ia membantu membakar lemak.

Antara lecithin dan Omega mana lebih baik? Bak cerita dari upline saya Analogi mahu ke Kuantan kita boleh memilih antara membawa kereta atau menaiki kapal terbang. Naik kapal terbang memang lebih cepat tetapi kosnya juga lebih mahal dan kalo menaiki kereta mungkin lebih lambat namun kosnya juga lebih ringan.

Ini antara testimonial Customer Puan Norita Idris

"Alhamdulillah, saya dah dapat bentuk badan spt before. Sangat happy la kak! Omega tu rasanya lagi bagus dari Lecithin. Berbaloi la walau mahal tapi result dia superb! Lecithin slow pada saya. Nasib akak suggest omega dan herblax...memang cepat la slim! Suka!!!! Saya kurangkan lecitin cuma maintan alfalfa mcm akak ajarkan. Anyway! Thank you so much akak! Saya na order lg dua botol omega tau! Suami pulak nak!" 

Tetapi adalah ditekankan disini, bahawa pengambilan air yang banyakkkkkkkk dan serat adalah sangat penting. untuk memastikan penurunan berat badan yang effectif.

Jika anda tanya saya does it works?? Huhu :) at least saya dah boleh muat baju lame walaupun belum longgar seperti sebelumnya at least dah boleh button. Dulu langsung takleh tutup. So saya memang akan meneruskan diet yang disarankan cara shaklee :)

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
credit to Mommy Razim

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